Tips To Help You Prevent Mask Acne
You may be experiencing more and more acne around your mouth lately, and it could be from wearing a mask while at work, school, or while out shopping when you most likely didn’t have to wear one before. If you are starting to get “mascne”, it can be prevented. Read on for helpful tips to help you prevent acne from wearing a face mask. Stop Wearing Makeup If you’re sweating behind your mask, all of that makeup you have on your face is just causing more and more oils to build up on your face and clog your pores.…
Read More »How to Keep Melanoma from Coming Back
Being diagnosed with melanoma was likely one of the scariest things that has ever happened to you. Now that you have been through treatment and are in remission, you’re probably feeling quite relieved. But as your doctor has surely told you, there is always a chance that your melanoma could come back. There is no way to guard against this completely, but there are a few things you can do to reduce your risk of recurrence.…
Read More »3 Tips For Dealing With Acne Marks And Scars
When you have acne, especially severe instances, you are often left with residual marks that may be depressed or hyperpigmented. There are several ways you can improve the appearance of acne scars and marks. Give It Time Although you want your skin to improve overnight, it’s important to understand that many types of marks take time to heal properly. First, it is important to gain control over the underlying problem to minimize new acne breakouts and scars.…
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