3 Tips For Dealing With Acne Marks And Scars

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When you have acne, especially severe instances, you are often left with residual marks that may be depressed or hyperpigmented. There are several ways you can improve the appearance of acne scars and marks.

Give It Time

Although you want your skin to improve overnight, it's important to understand that many types of marks take time to heal properly. First, it is important to gain control over the underlying problem to minimize new acne breakouts and scars. Typically, this involves seeing a dermatologist, who can help diagnose the reason your skin is breaking out. For some people, changes in hormones or using certain products can cause problems. Severe, treatment-resistant acne is often treated long-term with prescription medications.

Once your acne has cleared up, you may find that certain types of marks, such as those causing hyperpigmentation, will fade over time. To help speed the process of fading, you should ask your dermatologist about the products to use, such as those designed to exfoliate the skin. Your dermatologist might also suggest chemical peels for faster exfoliation. Resist the temptation to use a bunch of products without guidance from your dermatologist. You may might make the problem worse by incorporating too many new products into your skin care. If you were not vigilant about using sunscreen before, you should start now. The sun only makes hyperpigmented areas more noticeable, in addition to causing other skin damage.

Incorporate High-Quality Products

Both prescription and retail products can be helpful in reducing acne scars and marks. Generally, products containing different types of acid, such as hydroxy, salicylic, and lactic acids, can help fade hyperpigmented areas. Retinoids can also help improve the appearance of some depressed scars. If you buy retail products, try to find ones with a higher concentration of the active ingredient, which means the ingredient will appear higher on the ingredient's list. Often, the main difference between boutique skin care products and those found at the pharmacy or grocery store is the concentration of the active ingredient.

If you cannot afford the more expensive option, it does not mean the less expensive one will not work; it just may take significantly longer to produce visible results. When purchasing products, find the options that will stay on your skin the longest, because this makes more sense. For example, it makes little sense to purchase a face wash with the targeted ingredient, since you will just wash away the product. Look for the active ingredient in moisturizers or serums. Also be careful about layering products. If you layer products, you may not receive the full benefit because the active ingredients may be impeded from absorbing into the skin. A simple night-time serum is often best, especially when used alone.

Try Cosmetic Procedures

There are several cosmetic procedures that can be used to improve different types of acne-related scars and marks. For depressed scars, some laser treatments may be helpful in smoothing the skin and reducing their appearance. Many of these laser treatments also work well for minimizing redness and hyperpigmented marks left by acne. In the case of deeper scars, it may be necessary to use either surgery or fillers. Surgery can be performed on a single depressed area by removing the affected tissue and suturing the edges together. Although this may leave a linear scar, the results can be better than the original depressed acne scar. For larger areas with multiple, depressed scars, fillers can be injected into the area. This causes the depressed areas to become flush with the surrounding skin. Like fillers used in other areas of the face, the results are not permanent and may need to be retouched periodically to maintain the results.

Significant acne can be a complex problem because you must prevent new breakouts and manage residual scars or marks. There are various approaches that can be used to improve the appearance of your skin.
