How to Prepare for Mole Removal

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If you have moles you want to be removed from your skin, you are not alone. Many people are unhappy with some imperfections they notice on the skin. If you want to get rid of moles, you have many options. There are plenty of ways you can prepare for mole removal. These tips will help you get through the procedure.

The Process Is Outpatient and Easy

The first thing you should know about mole removal is that the process is quick. You can have the mole removed often during your first appointment, and you can have it done within just a few minutes. You will be able to return home immediately after the procedure, and you do not need to be sedated.

Prepare for a Bit of Discomfort

You should have some idea of the discomfort you will experience. While the mole removal itself should not hurt at all, you should expect to receive some lidocaine followed by anesthesia. The anesthesia can hurt during injection, but it will cause the rest of the procedure to be relatively pain-free.

Talk About Scars

Scars are a fact of life, especially when it comes to removing moles and other imperfections. You may have a slight scar at the sight of the mole, and you need to discuss the likelihood of scarring with your doctor if the mole is in a visible spot.

Be Ready for Minimal Changes

There is one thing you need to prepare for, and this is the fact that you may have some discomfort after the very minimal surgery. For example, you might be having a mole removed from your bottom. If you sit a lot for work, you may have some discomfort in the days following the mole removal. You may need to have a donut to sit on, for example.

You May Need Stitches or a Follow Up

You also need to follow up with your dermatologist after mole removal, so be prepared to set up an appointment for this as well. You may need to have stitches taken out, or you may need to come in for a biopsy of the mole.

See a Professional Dermatologist

A dermatologist can remove your mole and ensure that you are happy with the results. They minimize scaring and prevent further issues from arising. They can also pinpoint other moles that may be troublesome in the future so that you can take steps to prevent them now.
